February 1, 2011

He heals those broken hearts

midterm time means...a return to blogging! horray! I really want to have a poem here, but I have not written anything in weeks. SHAME! next time you see me, remind me how much I love writing and that I am doing myself a disservice by not writing, even if it is just for my personal enjoyment. I mean, last night, I got up and sang in front of a group of people who were my friends. Mind you I sang with two other awesome singers, and then with the boyfriend, but still, I do not remember the last time I got up and sang in front of a group of people where my voice could be discernibly heard (that was not Mass, cause mass is praisin' Jesus!). I really hope that my writing can praise the Lord, but it can't if I don't share it, hence this blog. Okay, so I'm going to share a psalm I interpreted while I was on NET. I meant it to grab my other journal but this is the one I came up with so....

Psalm 147

How good is it to praise You
To sing to our God with sweet song
How great it is to celebrate our God
With joy we sing Your name

With His mighty hand
The Lord, His cities rebuilds
So too He heals those broken hearts
And gently binds their wounds

The countless stars, He knows each by name
And calls them to shine
Limitless in power is our great God
His wisdom is measureless

In His mercy, the Lord lifts up the poor
But rebukes the wicked to the ground

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