October 15, 2010

I don' know no love songs...

So, I think that I'm going to try this "blog" thing out for a bit. One of my hesitations with the blogging (other than feeling kinda lame, cause despite posting this on my facebook, I don't think anyone has read it) is that I would blog for a few weeks and then it would start petering out. All my random thoughts would be stuck out on the internet and one day an employer is going to google my name and find-this. I don't want it to be an embarrassment.

I finished my assignment last night at about 1 am. I'm slightly annoyed at myself for leaving it so late. This week's assignment is to be handed in on Tuesday so I will have to be more on the ball. I'm going to be spending most of Sunday afternoon at the church selling raffle tickets, so perhaps in between I will read all my articles and prep for my assignment. The other reason that I wasn't as timely as I had hoped was that I was speaking to the boyfriend and because my roommate had friends over and we chatted for a bit as well. I was in such a cranky mood by the time I went to bed that it took me awhile to fall asleep. One positive thing is that it is getting colder so I busted out the pink flannel pajamas! Have you ever noticed how strange that word is? PA-JA-MA

seriously, strange word.

On a final note,

I purchased the new Brooke Fraser CD and I am IN LOVE with it. I haven't stopped listening to it since Tuesday. The whole thing is incredible. Her first single is a really cute song called "Something in the Water" which Brooke wrote to be reminiscent of puddle jumping in gumboots, or so I learned by watching the special features on iTunes. Here is the video for the song. It is cute, give it a listen!

Also on the iTunes deluxe version is a cover of "You Can Close Your Eyes" originally by James Taylor. It is such a beautiful song, which one day I will learn to play and sing to the boyfriend...unless that's too sappy. To be honest though, every time I hear it, that's who I think of....barf.....

Goodnight and Godspeed

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