October 20, 2010

I'm going to Halifax!!!

Yay! Tomorrow is the big day! After much contention, debate and plan changing (up the the last second!) we are finally heading out. I didn't plan on posting until I returned, but plan changes on my part means that I am bringing Mr. Lappy to do some work. So a working vacation, horray! There is still much to be done before I leave in 6 hours *shudder* On the bright side, I have awesome snacks for the car ride...want me to recount them? OKAY!
1-Cheesy Penguin Crackers (the pc version of goldfish)
2-Chocolate covered rasins
4-Baby carrots
5-Apple juice (natch)

I also have cheese with which to add to my lovely turkey sandwiches...on that note, I shall say goodnight, pack up Mr. Lappy (poor guy always gets shunted around) and create delicous car food. Oh and also attempt the impossible feat of stuffing more things into my suitcase. Wish me luck!

Goodnight and Godspeed

ps: you can follow the adventure on Twitter --->Debref

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