January 8, 2011


ok, i haven't written in over a month, albeit, an extremely crazy month, but still no excuse is a good excuse. So I thought I would start off this year right with a few new resolutions, aka goals for 2011:

1. Write in this blog at least once a week. This gives me an outlet from the craziness of school and life and is not as personal as my prayer journal. this blog is where i can vent some of the "non" important aspects in life so i had better use it

2. do my readings for class. it's important, i'm in fourth year (eep) so i should just stay on top of them.

3. get my drivers license. this is a long time coming and i'm sure it will make many people happy

4.play more music. i got a flute for christmas so i need to practice it more to remember everything. but in this as well, not be afraid to make mistakes when im just jamming with friends. who cares if i don't know how to do something? my friends don't so why should i?

there. now they're out in the open so i can't reneg on them. wish me luck my friends.

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